Taking the place of your standard equipment in Battlefield and Perks in Call of Duty are Battlefront’s “Star Cards.” These cards run the range from different types of grenades, a jump pack, weapons with cooldowns and more.
It’s a nice addition and adds another element into how each blaster behaves. DICE borrowed Gears of War’s Active Reload system wherein once your gun overheats, a button prompt will show up in your crosshair that when pressed at the right time, will allow you to continue firing. Speaking of bullets, in almost every shooter, a gun needs to reload at some point before you can continue shooting lead, right? A similar mechanic is used in Battlefront. That said, I can’t imagine how hard it is to balance weapons that don’t exist, all the while using lasers for bullets. They overheat instead of needing a reload (more on this in a bit), and there’s little recoil compared to how guns behave in most games. In the beta, there are four available guns, but all of them fire lasers instead of bullets.
While the blasters available in the game don’t have magazines, or fire bullets, they still feel like proper guns blasters.
Needless to say, if you’re a Star Wars fan and ever wanted to take part in one of the movies’ skirmishes, Battlefront will bring that feeling.ĭICE is known for its excellent gunplay in the Battlefield franchise and I’m happy to say that continues in Battlefront. I remember telling our Managing Editor Mack Ashworth that the game brought the “ Star Wars feels” after playing a few rounds, and he agreed. Make no mistake about it: Star Wars Battlefront is a technical marvel on the PS4, and is a good game to play when showcasing the console’s graphical prowess to your friends. Running at a silky smooth 60 frames-per-second, the frame-rate never faltered even when there were numerous soldiers on screen at once with AT-ATs and explosions happening all over the place. Remember that awesome looking reveal trailer EA released that we all assumed was nowhere near close to how the PlayStation 4 version looked? Well, while it might not be as awesome as that, it definitely comes close. It just feels like Star Wars from the the sound of blasters, the iconic music kicking in whenever Darth Vader or Luke enters the battlefield, this is definitely a Star Wars game. Immediately after entering a match (Drop Zone for me since there’s apparently not enough people playing when I tried Walker Assault to start a match), you’ll see and hear how close to the source material Battlefront is. How is Star Wars Battlefront shaping up so far? Read on to find out in our early access impression from the Star Wars Battlefront beta. Set to come out this November 17, Star Wars Battlefront is a reboot of the franchise and is poised to go head-to-head with this year’s Call of Duty ( Black Ops 3) in November.